How to wrap and carry a shroud

How to wrap and carry a shroud

Shrouding has been the way of gently preparing loved ones for their final resting place for thousands of years. Learn how to use our eco-friendly and locally made shrouds and carrier for green burials in Australia.

End of Life Professionals who Support Green Burials

End of Life Professionals who Support Green Burials

It can be overwhelming to organise a funeral and burial for a loved one, especially if they specifically wanted a green burial and you felt as though you did not know where to begin. This blog post is to help guide you towards funeral professionals who understand and can facilitate a green burials, it is not an exhaustive list but a place to start.

Why We Choose To Use Organic Cotton

Why We Choose To Use Organic Cotton

Cotton is often seen as an environmental fabric, however with the amount of toxic chemicals, pesticides and water that is used to produce cotton in Australia is causing untold damage to the earth.

We asked our suppliers, Organature, to share this blog with our customers to help explain the great ecological benefits of organic cotton farming.

Thank you Organature!