Green Burials: and Why We Dig Them
I recently had the amazing opportunity to write an article for 1 Million Women! 1 Million Women aim to inspire women (and men) to make changes to their everyday life choices that will ultimately make a positive impact on the earth. I was able to contribute to the...
Cardboard Coffins – How to Choose an Environmental Option
Cardboard coffins are becoming more popular due to their environmental and financial benefits. However, there are some complications to this statement and the purpose of this article is to help alleviate some of that confusion and explain why some cardboard coffins are more environmentally friendly than others.

Creative Options for Cremated Remains
Cremation is currently a popular choice for body disposal… but what can be done with the ashes?

Cremation and its Environmental Concerns
We recently attended a webinar by the Natural Death Advocacy Network (NDAN) featuring Warren Roberts (the founder of Living Legacy Forests) and Bob Jenkins (the founder of Let Your Love Grow), and I realised just how little is known about the true effects of cremation on the environment.