Why We Choose To Use Organic Cotton

Why We Choose To Use Organic Cotton

Cotton is often seen as an environmental fabric, however with the amount of toxic chemicals, pesticides and water that is used to produce cotton in Australia is causing untold damage to the earth.

We asked our suppliers, Organature, to share this blog with our customers to help explain the great ecological benefits of organic cotton farming.

Thank you Organature!

Critical awakening around death: Exercising agency over our mortal remains

Critical awakening around death: Exercising agency over our mortal remains

Alyssa and Tamsin (owners/directors of Heaven and Earth Eco Burial Products) collaborated with Dr Leanne Kelly to write this article which was published in the New Community Journal in October 2021.

Critical awakening around death: Exercising agency over our mortal remains outlines many of the issues faced when a loved one dies, the benefits of green burial and the rights and options we have when planning an end of life service.